PhD+ Future Faculty – Develop Your Research Agenda (AHSS)

Hybrid (register for location or zoom link)

This session is part of the 2023 Future Faculty series, Level 1, Planning Your Search. 

The research statement (or statement of research interests) is a common component of academic job applications. It provides an opportunity for the job candidate to describe one's research accomplishments, current work, and future direction while making a case on why your line of inquiry matters.

In this session, participants will learn about approaches and best practices of crafting a compelling and cohesive research statement, especially for those in disciplines that require a research statement as a stand-alone document (versus as part of one's cover letter). 

NOTE: This discussion focuses on Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences research. Find information on STEM Research Agendas here.



China Scherz, PhD – Associate Dean for Graduate Education and Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Virginia





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