PhD+ Data Literacy in R 4: Reporting and Presenting Data using R Markdown


After we explore, summarize and visualize our data, we likely need to present our findings to an audience. This may be a document, a web page, a slide deck, or even a dashboard. Using R Markdown we can combine R code with narration to quickly create professional reports and presentations, all within RStudio. This means we don't need to copy-and-paste results or plots into another application. We can analyze and write about our data all at once and let RStudio generate the plots and tables. In this final session we'll get you up-and-running with R Markdown so you can create high quality documents, reports, presentations and more. 

Please register here for further instructions on course materials and Zoom. 


Michele Claibourn, Director of Research Data Services and the Social, Natural, and Engineering Sciences at the University of Virginia Library 

Jennifer Huck, Data Librarian 

Clay Ford, Senior Research Scientist/Statistician 

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