PhD+ and SPI: Brief History of Eugenics at UVA, Speaker: Dr. Preston Reynolds


Over the coming months the Science Policy Initiative (SPI) will be hosting a series of seminars and discussions about the Past, Present, and Future of Racial Inequity in Science-based Policies.

Please join SPI and Dr. Preston Reynolds for the first installment in this series, which will provide a Brief History of Eugenics at UVA and broader discussion of how ideas or even fields of “science” that are unethical and factually wrong can remain prominent in Universities for so long.

Many of us are familiar with the concept of Eugenics, but how many of us know the history of Eugenics at UVA? How many faculty and chairs of science departments at UVA were known Eugenicists? As scientists, we work to discern facts and understanding of the world, and a better understanding of history can help us to address and combat inequities that continue throughout our communities.

Fill out this form if you would like to join us on August 5th at 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. on Zoom.

Zoom Meeting ID: 249 135 3447

Password: 8675309

We ask that you please read this UVA Today article as background for the presentation. Following the presentation, we will have a short discussion and Q&A session concerning this topic.

There will be an optional follow-up discussion session the following week, Wednesday August 12th at 6:00 p.m. led by Dr. Preston Reynolds. We encourage those attending to read several provided primary materials associated with this topic after the August 5th seminar to further educate us on this history.

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