PhD+ AHSS Future Faculty Level 2: Getting Feedback on Your Research Statement


This is an interactive session for participants to receive feedback on your draft research statement from a faculty reviewer. Please have a copy of your research statement ready before the review date. More details will be available soon. 

Attendees who participated in Level 1 and Level 2 of AHSS Future Faculty series will receive a registration link for this session.

Faculty Reviewers

Josipa Roksa, Ph.D., Professor, Senior Advisor to the Provost and Director of Strategic Academic Programs in the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost at UVA - Dr. Roksa’s current research focuses on understanding the experiences and outcomes of first-generation and low-income students, and more broadly the role of socioeconomic status in shaping students’ trajectories through both undergraduate and graduate education. In addition, she is examining how students’ experiences vary by race/ethnicity, particularly in STEM fields. Current projects are charting coursework trajectories, considering the role of family support, and exploring students’ interactions with faculty and peers, all with the goal of understanding the mechanisms that generate social inequality.

Jennifer Geddes, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Director of Graduate Studies - Dr. Geddes is Associate Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Virginia. Her areas of research include evil and suffering, the Holocaust, ethics, critical theory, twentieth-century literature, and religion and culture. Previously, she was the editor of The Hedgehog Review: Critical Reflections on Contemporary Culture, the Institute’s award-winning journal. Professor Geddes has been the Emilia Galla Struppa Fellow at the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities and a fellow at the Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. She has given lectures and presentations at numerous universities and institutes, including the University of Iowa, the University of Connecticut, the University of Virginia, the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities, the University of Copenhagen, Union Theological Seminary in Richmond, Case Western Reserve Academy, the Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, and Princeton University.

Registration will be shared with Level 1 and 2 workshop attendees over emails soon. 


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