PHD+ AHSS Future Faculty Level 1: Faculty Experiences at Various Types of Institutions


This is the second session of Level 1 PhD Plus AHSS Future Faculty series.

In this panel, you can learn from the experiences of faculty panelists from humanities and social science disciplines. The panelists are affiliated with various higher education institutions and will share their day-to-day professional life as faculty members. This panel discussion will be especially helpful for PhD students and Postdocs entering the faculty job market to learn more about how expectations, campus culture, and application process may differ from institution to institution. With the information presented, you can better identify the type of institutions and faculty careers most ideal to you and tailor your materials accordingly. Participants have the opportunity to submit questions before and directly engage with panelists during the discussion.


Swan Kim, Ph.D., Associate professor of English and Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) coordinator at Bronx Community College at City University of New York (CUNY) - Dr. Kim received her PhD in English at University of Virginia specializing in Asian American diaspora. She teaches courses in composition and ethnic American literature. Her research interests include WAC/WID, first-year writing, antiracist pedagogy, diaspora and immigration, race and ethnicity, and Asian American literature and culture. She has been serving as the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee co-chair at the Association for Writing Across the Curriculum (AWAC), the co-leader for the CUNY WAC Professional Development, and a faculty senate and council member at her college.

Emily Dotson, Ph.D. - Associate Professor of English, UVA Wise - Dr. Dotson holds a PhD in English from the University of Kentucky, graduate certification in Gender and Women’s Studies, Critical Theory, and Digital Media and Composition, as well as professional certification in Scientific and Technical Writing and Grant Writing. She has more than two decades of experience in teaching, curriculum development, faculty professional development, assessment, and Writing Program and Writing Center administration. At the University of Kentucky, she developed faculty training workshops and taught or co-taught writing skills in multiple disciplines as Assistant Director of the University of Kentucky Writing in the Disciplines Initiative. In addition, she served as Assistant Director of the Robert E. Hemenway Writing Center and was a co-founder and Assistant Director of the Elbert C Ray eStudio, a writing and digital media center in the College of Engineering. 

Kevin Duong, Ph.D. - Assistant Professor of Politics, UVA - Dr. Duong earned his bachelor’s degree from Vanderbilt University and his master’s degree from the University of Chicago. He completed his doctoral work at Cornell University, where he also organized for the graduate workers’ union. Before joining UVA, he spent three years as an assistant professor at Bard College in upstate New York. At UVA, he teaches European political thought and intellectual history with a particular focus on modern France. Much of his research focuses on how the revolutionary agency of “the people” is expressed, but his interests extend beyond democratic theory to fields such as queer theory, critical theory, visual culture, and the history of the left.


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