Academic job openings typically become available for job candidates beginning in late summer or early fall. This one-year in advance schedule accommodates an academic job search process where a department/institution is able to attract qualified candidates and guarantee enough time for a successful placement for a new faculty member to join before the next academic calendar. As the timeline displayed below, candidates should be prepared to meet application deadlines, typically in the fall term, and subsequent interviews and negotiations that span into early spring. Sometimes job announcements may also come out in late fall or early spring for non-tenure-track faculty positions, postdoc positions, and visiting professors/lecturers as departments will have to plan for teaching arrangements needed for the next academic year.
Non-faculty positions are more flexible to accommodate employers' hiring needs and can be sector-specific. However, the beyond faculty job search process typically lasts several months and requires you to start preparing for different aspects before you actually begin to apply. For instance, reviewing job postings and making a list of jobs/careers that suit your interests, values, and skills; conducting informational interviews to gain more understanding and build your network with the organizations of interest; working on your resume, cover letter, and other necessary documents based on the information you gathered and paying attention to new job announcements; actively applying to jobs and leveraging your network for referrals and support.
For those who are interested in global careers and individuals with international candidates, the job search process should begin even earlier so that you can have enough time to gather information, build your network, and submit materials on time. For international graduate students specifically, please make sure you understand graduation policies in your program, the immigration options and timelines for international students who wish to be employed in the U.S., and plan your actual job search process accordingly to maximize your opportunities. We highly recommend you talking to the International Student Office (ISO) at UVA, our office, and your academic advisor/relevant administrators/career office in your school to find out all the details you may need to make informed decisions and planning.