PhD Plus is excited to co-host a series of Research Presentation Workshops over the coming months in collaboration with the planning committees for the Diversifying Research Scholarship Conference, Graduate Biosciences Research Symposium, Hunter Research Student Conference (HRSC), Huskey Exhibition, and UVA Engineering Research Symposium (UVERS). This series is designed to support all graduate and undergraduate students who are planning to present at both on- and off-Grounds conferences in 2024, and includes sessions centered on 1) drafting abstracts for symposiums/conferences, 2) designing engaging presentations and posters, and 3) improving students’ oral and poster presentation skills.
The final session, “How to Design an Effective Research Poster,” will be hosted in collaboration with the Center for Engineering Career Development and take place from 3:00-4:30 pm on Friday, March 1, in Thornton Hall, Rodman Room A238 (Engineering School). This 1.5-hour workshop will highlight how you can design a poster to connect with your audience and more effectively communicate your research. This interactive workshop will help you reflect on what you want to share with your audience and how to design a poster that includes the essential information for your poster presentation.
If you missed the first two sessions of this series, email Sam Lake ([email protected]) to receive a link to the recordings and workshop resources.