PhD+ Educational Consulting Career Exploration

New Cabell Hall, Room 236 (German Conference Room)

- Are you curious about the different sectors of Consulting?

- Do you want to explore Education Consulting careers for PhDs with varied disciplinary training? 

- Do you want a better understanding of the skills desired in Education Consulting work, and the transferable skills your PhD or postdoc training provides? How can you develop domain-specific experience and knowledge?

At this session, have a conversation with Nancy Ruther, Principal and Founder of Gazelle International, over lunch to learn about all of the above, and more. Dr. Ruther is currently mentoring two PhD Plus interns from Depts. of English and Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. Therefore, you also have the opportunity to learn about the internship program, experience and professional development of current interns and explore similar opportunities for yourself. 

We encourage PhD students and Postdocs from all disciplines to attend. 


Dr. Nancy L. Ruther, the Principal and founder of Gazelle International (a young nonprofit based in Connecticut), served in senior leadership with The MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies at Yale University for 28 years. Her research and advocacy interests have focused on the interaction of U.S. federal policy and the international capacity of the U.S. higher education system, outcomes assessment and, recently, the role of technology in internationalization of higher education. Her doctorate is in higher education and public policy from the University of Massachusetts along with MS Agricultural Economics (Cornell) and a MPIA in International Affairs and BA Latin American Studies (University of Pittsburgh).  In addition to teaching at Yale, Columbia and the University of Connecticut, she has worked as a consultant in overseas development and strategic management and as a management trainer and researcher in Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Chile, Ghana, Pakistan, Portugal and Thailand among others.


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