PhD+ Community Engagement: PhD Paths to Public Impact

Multipurpose Room, Rotunda

Does the New Year have you thinking about making changes in your life? What about making meaningful changes in the world around you? Studies show that university students are increasingly interested in pathways to public service, but where to start? And how can you put your PhD degree to work for those around you? This panel discussion composed of professionals with advanced degrees and experiences will help you to start answering these questions. All are welcome to join us in a discussion during lunchtime with experts who have paired deep academic expertise with public impact work using community engagement and advocacy as a bridge.

If you are interested in talking with seasoned professionals about how you may pursue community-engaged work in your career in some capacity, we look forward to having you join us. This event is open to all graduate students and postdocs at UVA.


Rita Roy, Chief Executive Officer, National Spine Health Foundation

The National Spine Health Foundation is a nonprofit committed to advancing research, education, and advocacy in support of spinal health, with the ultimate goal of supporting patients on their individual journeys to health and rehabilitation. Befitting an organization with such a formidable mission, their CEO Rita Roy’s experience as a physician, entrepreneur, and technologist is similarly expansive.

Janette Kawachi, Chief Partnership Officer, Habitat for Humanity of Greater Charlottesville

Habitat for Humanity of Greater Charlottesville continues its tireless work toward ensuring that Charlottesville is a community where everyone can find a decent place to live. As their Chief Partnership Officer, Janette Kawachi is intimately involved with programs and organization policies uniquely tailored to meet the needs of local aspiring homeowners—work that cannot happen without strong community partnerships.

Lisa Wittenborn, Program Director, Rivanna Conservation Alliance

At the heart of the Rivanna Conservation Alliance’s mission is the belief that we are all responsible for the health of our Rivanna River and its tributaries. As the Program Director for the RCA, Lisa Wittenborn shapes and shepherds their robust portfolio of conservation, education, and restoration efforts, all of which draw depend on local community engagement for their success.

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