This course introduces the concepts of organizational leadership, change management, and influence. Students appreciate the difference between leadership and management and develop their own leadership philosophy through exploration of varying leadership styles. Throughout the course, students learn key communication skills. As a culminating project, students create a personal leadership plan.
Participation and attendance: Everyone’s lively participation is essential to the success of this course. You will be expect to come to class having read and reflected on the readings for the week, with questions and comments in mind. During class discussions, we will focus on coming to a collective understanding of the assigned readings, evaluating the evidence and claims made by the authors, and considering other possible approaches to the same topics. There will also be opportunities for informal conversation, small group discussions, and other activities.
Course schedule:
- February 7: Exploring Leadership Philosophies and Introduction of Leadership Development Plan
- February 14: The Art of Communication
- February 21: Influence without Authority
- February 28: Conflict Management and Having Difficult Conversations
- March 13: Myers-Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI) and Leading Self
- March 20: Leadership Panel with Leaders from Higher Education, Government, Industry with PhDs
- April 3: Organizational Leadership and Change Management
- April 10: Strategies for Continuous Leadership Development