PhD+ Data Literacy in R 2: Data Wrangling and Exploration


Before analyzing data, we spend considerable effort exploring the data – understanding patterns, checking for missingness -- and wrangling the into an analyzable form – creating and recoding variables, merging data sets, reshaping data. This session will cover the dplyr and tidyr packages for data manipulation and analysis, like conditionally computing summary statistics over subsets of interest. The session will assume understanding of the material in the preceding sessions and will build on a common research case, using Albemarle Real Estate Property data (though each workshop may also introduce additional examples and data). 

Please register here for further instructions on course materials and Zoom. 


Michele Claibourn, Director of Research Data Services and the Social, Natural, and Engineering Sciences at the University of Virginia Library 

Jennifer Huck, Data Librarian 

Clay Ford, Senior Research Scientist/Statistician 

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