PhD+ Data Literacy in R 1: Introduction


R is a free, open-source software environment and programming language designed specifically for statistical analysis; RStudio is a free, open source integrated development environment (IDE) for R that provides a friendly interface for viewing graphs, data tables, R code, and output all at the same time. This first session provides a gentle introduction to R and RStudio. We’ll get started navigating R with RStudio, loading libraries, and importing data. We’ll do some basic data manipulation and exploration and cover some key practices and shortcuts for using R effectively and helpful resources for learning more. 

Please register here for further instructions on course materials and Zoom. 


Michele Claibourn, Director of Research Data Services and the Social, Natural, and Engineering Sciences at the University of Virginia Library 

Jennifer Huck, Data Librarian 

Clay Ford, Senior Research Scientist/Statistician 


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