PhD+ STEM Future Faculty 1.2: Career Planning


Level 1 of PhD Plus STEM Future Faculty module

In this session, trainees will synergize discussions from previous sessions to align their interests and likes to academic environments (research-intensive, teaching-intensive, both) and cultures. Furthermore, they will learn about grant discovery tools, and create short-term and long-term career training plans to ultimately integrate within Individual Development Plan. This session will inform trainees’ participation in relevant skills training topics of PhD Plus Future Faculty.


Sonali Majumdar, PhD- Associate Director of Graduate Professional Development. Sonali leads the development and implementation of PhD Plus. Prior to joining UVA, Sonali earned her PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Georgia and did postdoctoral training at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York, where she developed a passion for enhancing career-related training for graduate students and postdocs.


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