PhD+ Data Science Essentials in R: Interactive Web Apps

Brown Science & Engineering Library, Clark Hall Room 133

The UVA Library’s Research Data Services Team is partnering with UVA’s PhD Plus program to pilot a new module – Data Science Essentials in R – a six-session series to build data analysis, wrangling, and visualization skills.

Interactive Web Apps/Data Vis in R with Shiny - Imagine presenting your research using a web application that allows a user to interact with your statistical model and see how it behaves given various inputs. Or think about being able to teach a statistical concept such as correlation where you can interactively change the correlation coefficient and see the resulting scatterplot of a linear relationship. The shiny package makes applications like this surprisingly easy to create in R. In this workshop we’ll get up and running with shiny and provide several examples that you can adapt to your own research and courses. As you’ll find out, you don’t have to be a web developer to create web applications in R! And thanks to RStudio, these applications can be run locally on your computer or shared with colleagues or students as R scripts. This workshop assumes experience with R and linear modeling at the level of our Linear Modeling in R and Visualizing Models workshops.

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