Encyclopedia Virginia Editorial intern at Virginia Humanities


Virginia Humanities, Encyclopedia Virginia. Virginia Humanities is the state's humanities council. They are headquartered in Charlottesville at the University of Virginia, but serve the entire state. Founded in 1974, they are one of fifty-six humanities councils created by Congress with money and support from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) to make the humanities available to all Americans. As a non-partisan organization, they have been successful thanks to many years of strong bi-partisan commitment to their work at federal and state levels, as well as from the NEH itself.


Peter Hedlund, Director, Encyclopedia Virginia


Encyclopedia Virginia's mission is to provide a free, reliable, multimedia resource that tells the inclusive story of Virginia for students, teachers, and communities who seek to understand how the past informs the present and the future. The intern will assist Encyclopedia staff with multiple aspects of our editorial workflow.


This internship will prepare for careers in any of the following

  • Non-Profit
  • Communications, Outreach and Publishing


The intern will assist in multiple aspects of our editorial and publishing workflow. This will include:

  1. assisting the assistant editor in locating, transcribing, and summarizing primary documents.
  2. assisting the media editor in locating media objects, adding metadata, and writing captions.
  3. other aspects of publishing using online content management system.
  4. auditing and updating of previously published content


This internship will provide experiences to develop and polish the following skills

  • Communication to diverse audience
  • Inter-disciplinary team collaboration​​​​​​​


The intern will receive mentoring from members of the Encyclopedia Virginia staff including the director, assistant editor and media editor. Intern will learn how to write for a general audience and learn about the editorial workflow of an online publication.


PhD students with interest and some skills in any of following are encouraged to apply

  • Strong writing skills
  • Attention to detail
  • Interest in history​​​​​​​


The internship will commence in Fall of 2021. Typical effort involved is 10 hours per week.


The intern will be funded up to $5000 in fall semester, in wage replacement or augmenting other fellowship support.