Teaching as a Graduate Student (TAGS): Registration Deadline

Registration is now open for Center for Teaching Excellence's Teaching as a Graduate Student (TAGS) sessions on Thursday, January 12. TAGS is a hybrid experience that provides new graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) with a foundation for inclusive and learning-centered teaching. GTAs can sign up for access to a series of asynchronous online modules at any time and participate in a live interactive session to complete the programming.

On January 12, CTE is planning to offer in-person and online sessions, depending on demand, during two time slots: 10:30 AM-12:00 PM and 1:00-2:30 PM. In these 90-minute sessions, small groups of GTAs meet with an experienced facilitator to discuss the online material, ask questions, and plan effective approaches to common teaching scenarios. The January sessions aim to support GTAs who missed the August session or are starting their teaching assignments this spring.

Register by Friday, December 16. Email [email protected] with questions.

Registration Link


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