Community Impact

Gopal was a PhD Plus intern at Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service at the University of Virginia through Summer and Fall of 2019, under the mentorship of Larry D. Terry, Executive Director of the Weldon Cooper Center.

Mary was a PhD Plus Intern in Office of the Vice Provost for Academic Outreach at the University of Virginia in 2018-2019 under the mentorship of Louis P. Nelson, Vice Provost for Academic Outreach.

Megan is a PhD Plus intern at Center for Survey Research (CSR) at UVA through Summer and Fall of 2019, and Spring of 2020 under the mentorship of Kara Fitzgibbon and Thomas M. Guterbock, Directors of CSR.

Sarah was a PhD Plus intern for Gazelle International from summer 2020 to May 2021, under the mentorship of Nancy Ruther.

Eliot interned with the American Institute for Indian Studies (AIIS) under the mentorship of Anandi Silva Knuppel.

Erin's internship was with Encyclopedia Virginia under the mentorship of Peter Hedlund. She previously completed the Career Design and Communicating Research PhD+ modules.