
Data Literacy

To learn about Careers in Data science, PhD students and Postdocs should cultivate professional community and connect with professionals in these fields.

Learn more about framework of career education and professional development

To build a professional community in Innovation & Commercialization, connect with

  • Peers with shared interest
  • Identify mentors and alums you can learn from.
  • Professionals at the University and Greater Charlottesville area 
  • Potential employers

Connect with these groups, and learn about their work and lives through informational interviews, social and networking events, programs and activities. 


PhD Plus highlights follwing peers and community partners in Data Science



University Partners

Charlottesville Community Partners

Eric Willis
Eric was a PhD Plus intern in Elder Research Institute (ERI) in Spring of 2020 under the mentorship of William (Will) Goodrum and Sam Ballerini. After completing PhD dissertation, Eric joined Elder Research Institute in Arlington, VA, as a Data Scientist
Jordan Buysse
Jordan is a PhD Plus intern at Gazelle International, a young nonprofit based in Guilford, CT, through Summer and Fall of 2019, and Spring of 2020 under the mentorship of Nancy L. Ruther, the Principal and Founder of Gazelle.
Roger Zhu
Roger is a 6th year PhD candidate in the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department at the University’s School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.
Roger was a PhD Plus intern in the Economic and Policy studies unit of the University’s Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service under mentorship of Prof. William Shobe
Headshot of a student, Laura White
Laura was a PhD Plus intern in the Center for Survey Research at the University's Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service from summer 2020 to May 2021, under the mentorship of Kara Fitzgibbon. 
Kerwin Holmes Jr., profile
Kerwin participated in PhD Plus Python skills series in data literacy in Fall 2020
Lu Shi
Lu Shi is a fifth year PhD candidate in the Department of Chemistry who was a data analyst intern at Gazelle International.